Accessibility At St. Andrew’s

The ultimate goal of St. Andrew’s United Church is to meet or surpass expectations while serving participants with disabilities.

  • our church is wheelchair accessible with a ramped front entrance and a lift to the upper and lower church levels
  • hearing assistance headphones are available from the ushers on request
  • our Sunday order-of-service is available in large print on request

St. Andrew’s Customer Service Accessibility Policy

This policy (drafted to meet the requirements of the Customer Service Standard of the AODA – Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005) outlines practices and procedures in place at St. Andrew’s United Church that will help identify and remove barriers that impede a person’s ability to access services.

All staff and “front line” volunteers have received training in recognizing and addressing the needs of St. Andrew’s visitors.

View/ download the SAUC Customer Access Policy Oct 2011  by clicking SAUC Customer Access Policy Oct 2011


We want to know how well our programs and services are meeting the expectations Your feedback is welcomed and appreciated

Comments or concerns can be made verbally to our ushers, staff and volunteers. This feedback can also be relayed by email, telephone and by using a feedback form found in the narthex of the church (Algonquin Street Entrance) or downloadable from this website(see below).

All feedback will be directed to our Accessibility Committee. Participants who provide contact information can expect to hear back in a maximum of 10 days. All those providing feedback will have their confidentiality respected.

You can submit your feedback form:

  • by e-mail:
  • by telephone: 705-472-7680
  • by Canada Post: St. Andrew’s United Church, 399 Cassells St. North Bay,
    ON P1B 3Z4 Attention: Chair, Accessibility Committee
  • … or by placing a feedback form in the “Accessibility Feedback” box located in the narthex

If you would rather not use this form, please feel free to call 705-472- 7680 or e-mail to share your comments or concerns – or to request a copy of
the St. Andrew’s Customer Service Accessibility Policy.V

View/download/ print Customer Service Accessibility feedback form by clicking on this title: Customer Service Accessibility Feedback Form

If you are a staff member/ volunteer of St. Andrew’s who requires accessibility training, Click *HERE* .