1. ) Seating in the Church is limited and you must reserve your seat in advance. To do so, please contact the Church Office by 4 PM the THURSDAY prior to a Sunday Service with your name, return contact phone number or e-mail, and the number of people in your “bubble” that will be with you.

Contact can be by phone (705-472-7680 and leave a message if no answer) or by e-mail: standrewschurch@cogeco.net

Note: it is preferred that you phone during Office Hours (10 am – 2 pm) on Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday. E-mail reservations will be confirmed by the Church Office by return phone or e-mail)

2.) Please use the Algonquin Ave. entrance unless otherwise directed.

3.) Before entering the church, please don a face mask (that covers both your mouth and nose) and wear it as long as you are in the building. 

4.) Once you are in the church you will be asked to:

  • respond to standard questions to screen your COVID status
  • provide information to assist in contact tracking if necessary.
  • Sanitize your hands at this time. 
  • Pick up an order-of service
  • Place your offering into the offering box (optional)

5.) An usher will now take you to your seat. Please follow the directives of the Usher. You may not always get the seat you want. Please be patient!

6.)  All pews are marked with a sign designating where you are to sit. The seating plan has been created to follow social distancing regulations.

DO NOT MOVE from your assigned seat. If you need to move please get the attention of an usher who will assist you.

7.) NO DRINKING or EATING while in attendance (Choir members excepted).

8.)  If you feel moved by the music, please hum instead of singing out loud. During responsive parts of the service please use a quiet voice.

9.)  At the end of the service, we ask you to remain seated until an usher instructs you to leave.  We also ask that you leave directly in an orderly fashion by the designated exit, and do not to socialize.  Please take your order of service and bulletin with you, or place it in the recycling box.

THANK YOU for your following these protocols. As an alternative to attending the Sunday service in person, we suggest that you access the Sunday service online from home via the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel. (just Google the following: St. Andrew’s North Bay YouTube)

Download a pdf copy of this SAUC COVID19 Protocol

St. Andrew’s United Church, North Bay – Revised August 2, 2021